Saturday, March 9, 2013

'Modify' Video

Today I wanted to share a video all about body modifications. I was exteremly happy to find this video on Youtube, I orginally watched it on Netflix, and thought it would be a great way to show people what body modification really is. This video talks about everything from tattoos to body building to dressing in drag as a body modification. This video goes into great detail about why people chose to get body modifications. A the very begining of the video Steve Haworth lists the reasons why he believes people get modified. He says that are asthetic value, sexual enhancement, shock value, and lastly spiritual enhancement.
The thing that crossed my mind while watching this video is that the people in this video all chose to get these body modifications. They wanted for their own reasons to change their bodies. They weren't (for the most part) forced into it culturally. When people talk about FGMs they call it Female Genital Modification/Mutilation... Can we really call it modification if the girls don't have a say in having it done to them? Or, on the otherside of that, should we call all genital modifications mutilations? Many people in the United States go out and modify their genitals by choice, with no cultural reasoning, should this be banned as well if FGMs are banned?

(This video is an hour long, but I highly encourage you to watch it. Also, parts of this video are rather graphic)

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